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171 Menternships
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Create a Hiring Strategy for a Leading Product Firm to Scale Their Team
Human Resource
Talent Acquisition
How can Uber hire 1500 Software Engineers from top talent pools in 12 months?
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Conduct Complete Financial Due Diligence of a Company for Investment Analysis
Management reporting and analysis
The single most important proof of work you need to start your career as an analyst in a financial consultancy or firm
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Certified by

Financial Analysis Portfolio
Management reporting and analysis
Increase your proficiency in Financial Analysis through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set & industry background. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion.
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3 Menternships included
Certified by

Conduct a Trend Analysis to Predict the Future Business Trends for an FMCG Company
Management reporting and analysis
The most sought after financial skills in consultancy companies - ability to calculate correct ratio and make accurate inferences about company's financial future.
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Use Data Analytics to Study Music Streaming Patterns
Business Analytics
Data Analysis
How do Spotify, YouTube and Netflix recommend just the right 'play next'? All you need to figure this out is an internet connect and MS Excel.
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Create a customer journey map and a 360-degree digital marketing strategy for a product of your choosing
Digital Marketing
Marketing strategy
From Meta to Mahindra - every company's marketing department uses these basic tools to understand their target customers and build robust plans for engagement and acquisition
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Certified by

Human Resource Portfolio
Human Resource
Performance Management
Increase your proficiency in Human Resource Management, through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set & business objectives. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion.
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3 Menternships included
Certified by

Develop an Innovative Business Plan
Competitive value proposition
Yup, that's it. That's the mandate. Just create a plan to implement any business idea. We will cover all the entrepreneurship basics - from ideation to pitching!
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Certified by

Create an Effective Strategy to Increase Brand Online Presence & Engagement on Social Media
Digital Marketing
Partnership marketing
How can a brand reach its first million followers on Instagram?
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Explore Potential of Premium Motorcycles in Regional Hubs
Marketing Strategy
Customer research
How can brands like Harley Davidsons make inroads into India's semi-urban and rural areas? Find out if there is any potential for premium bike brands in Telangana
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Certified by

Financial Markets' Analysis Portfolio
Portfolio management
Increase your proficiency in the Analysis of Market Trend through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set & industry background. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion.
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3 Menternships included
Certified by

Study customer churn analytics for the banking industry
Business Analytics
Data Visualization, Research and Intuition - FinTech, SQL Programming
What can the likes of ICICI and HDFC banks do to keep their customers happy?
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Certified by

Identify the best source of recruitment for a tech startup, based on previous data of candidate sources and recruitment strategies
Data Science
Model formulation
HR analytics is one of the biggest areas of work data scientist. And improving hiring processes is one of the most important problems to solve in this field.
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Certified by

Create a HR/Operations Policy to Improve Service Quality Metrics
Human Resource
Performance Management
How can frontline healthcare workers do their best work?
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Certified by

Full-Stack Web Development Portfolio
Computer Science
Back-end development, Front-end development
Increase your proficiency in Full-Stack Web Development, through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set, technology stack & business objectives. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion.
Certified by

3 Menternships included
Certified by

Analysis of Sales Data of Retail Stores Across America Using Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualisation
Business Analytics
Data Analysis
EDA practice - if you are eyeing a career in data science, this is the first step of your thousand mile journey. Master Exploratory Data Analysis.
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Certified by

Predict the fare amount of future rides using regression analysis
Data Science
Data Analysis
Ever wonder how your Uber ride prices keep changing so often? Why not learn how by creating the prediction model yourself?
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Certified by

Create a Marketing Campaign for an Upcoming Food E-Commerce App
Marketing Strategy
Marketing insights
Want to build the next Zomato? Start here - by building extraordinary proof of work with a marketing agency that is trying to launch a new food e-commece app.
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Certified by

Marketing Strategy Portfolio
Marketing Strategy
Marketing insights
Increase your proficiency in Marketing Strategy through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set & business objectives. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion
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3 Menternships included
Certified by

Design a Creative Landing Page for
Computer Science
Front-end development
How can you build a landing page that gets every visitor to follow your website's call to action?
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Certified by

Develop a Strategy to Motivate Virtual Employees at Supertails
Human Resource
Employee and Labor Relations
WFH: How to keep remote employees motivated and happy?
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Certified by

Build a model to predict performance of employees, based on the visualisation and analysis of past data of employee performance
Data Science
Model formulation
How does Teach For India tracks 1500+ employees' performance? And, why is it important?
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Certified by

UI/UX Development Portfolio
Computer Science
Basics of UI/UX
Increase your proficiency in Ui/UX Design through diverse work experiences, each giving you exposure to a different skill-set, technology stack & business objectives. Take up this guided experience, and gain certifications from 3 companies on successful completion.
Certified by

3 Menternships included
Certified by

Observe Consumer Behaviour at a Local Point of Sale, and Develop a Marketing Strategy for a Niche Health Beverage
Marketing Strategy
Customer research
This one involves field work! But, if you want to take a stab at 'proof of work' projects similar to those completed by IIM students, go ahead and show us you have what it takes to make it in the big leagues.
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Certified by

Build a Full Stack Web Application for Placing Orders for Diagnostics Tests Through Doctor Prescription Upload
Computer Science
Back-end development, Front-end development
App: How to help patients find and book medical tests from the best diagnostic test centres near them just like Uber Eats/Zomato helps order food from the best restaurants?
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