Marketing Strategy
Create a Marketing Campaign for an Upcoming Food E-Commerce App
Want to build the next Zomato? Start here - by building extraordinary proof of work with a marketing agency that is trying to launch a new food e-commece app.
Certified by

Marketing Manager
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
3DM believes that the world is getting digital and so should your brand. A creative Digital Marketing startup based out of Hyderabad, they are providing brands the digital life they need. They have around 100 happy clients from across all domains. 3DM knows that one size does not fit all and designs custom solutions for each client.
the following work techniques
Market research
Food e-commerce industry
Content creation
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Bridging the gap
Marketing strategy boosts the brand image by increasing its awareness amongst potential customers. Any business that delivers a service or product requires a solid marketing strategy to ensure that more people come to know of the brand. It helps interact with the customers at a personal level and gain their trust. Marketing is what shapes how the customers think of and perceive the brand.
the following skills
Customer research
Marketing insights
Marketing strategy
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
A professional marketing campaign for a food e-commerce application.
the following deliverables
An elevator pitch
A professional marketing campaign
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
Python, Sentiment Analysis
Why Do Menternships?
Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
All our Menternships are co-created with companies. They are designed for real-time work in the corporate function which allows all levers of a work experience to flourish in your Menternship experience.
You get access to a guild of industry mentors with remarkably diverse experience in their fields. Mentors help you with expert advice, domain guidance or to understand a specific task better. Moreover, you can always depend on our community of menterns, MentorMind Garage, to seek assistance from your co-menterns, guides & mentors!
Successfully completing a Menternship is no less that having practical, hands-on work experience. You earn a Certificate of Recognition from the Menternship partner company which can be showcased on your CV or your LinkedIn as a proof of your real skills!
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Meet Our Certified Menterns
Create a Marketing Campaign for an Upcoming Food E-Commerce App
Want to build the next Zomato? Start here - by building extraordinary proof of work with a marketing agency that is trying to launch a new food e-commece app.
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