MentorMind practices the new-age experiential skilling method of learning by doing - which means you mentor your mind using the Explore-Apply-Create principle & gain real job skills.

Figure it out by doing, not imitating.
Explore the tools used by industry to solve tomorrow's challenges.
Learning by doing starts with - exploration. In this stage, you are presented with information, ideas and tools used by the industry to solve tomorrow's challenge.

Discover how it's done - by experimenting, not following.
Apply your skills to connect the dots and design your own solution.
Learning by doing flourishes with - application. In this stage, you tinker and problem-solve like a real professional would in a real workplace.

Become industry-ready not with a 'passing score', but real work experience.
Create solutions that can shape the future of business.
Learning by doing is accomplished with - concrete results. In this stage, you deliver the solution that you arrived at through multiple cycles of plan-act-reflect.
Here’s how our Menternships are designed
The Menternship Journey
Conventional learning take place through rate (for example, memorising multiplication tables without understanding multiplication) or imitation (for example copying formulas from the classroom board!). MentrorMind practices the new-age pedagogical principle of learning by doing - which means you learn a concept by trying it out. From riding a bicycle to learning how to make new friends - we have learned all of the most important things in life by doing. So why should work skills be any different? At MentorMind, we provide you an opportunity to build skills by actively experimenting, failing, reflecting, improving and finally - excelling.
It is a virtual, mentored work experience. Each menternship is co-created and co-certified by corporates to ensure that each menternship project is a challenge faced by real-world industry profesional. During the course of the menternship, each output receives personalized feedback from an industry expert to ensure that everything you deliver during a menternship meets the standards of certifying company
This may come as a surprise but the biggest perk of gaining work experience is not building you resume! The biggest perk is learning more about your own abilities and interest. Each work experience is like a micro-career experience that brings you closer to understanding your own skills and careed goals. And, well, yes - work experience is a must-have on any CV. Every college student form the country has a degree and a great number of them have excellent scares too, then what would make your CV stand out for a recruiter? That's right - work experience
They are both work experience - but the similarities and there. An internship is like going to a restaurant that serves only one dish, has one waiting staff and is poen for only one hour every day - you have to realign your schedule to be there, you cannot choose your experience, and you will have to vie with other customers for the staff's time and attention. A menternship is a 24x7 open buffet with a specially trained chef at every counter - you choose your experience, you can reverse your choice if the first one doesn't match your interest, you can readily access expert advice any time you need it. Need we say more about which one you should opt for?
Ready to start #Menterning to build real job skills?
More about the Menternship Principle