Marketing Strategy
Conduct market research to design a ground-breaking gameday experience for IPL fans
Do you think IPL is as attractive as a sporting event can get? We challenge you to top that and design an unprecedented game-day experience for IPL fans.
Certified by

Marketing Analyst
Media & Communication
Menterns at work
Time Commitment
Submit First Draft in 15 days
30 days
Tools you’ll learn
Here’s What You Work On
About the Company
Fans don't just follow the sport, they feel it. We're one of you, and we strive to keep you on top of every possible sports trend by creating engaging and insightful content at lightning-quick speed. Established in 2009, Sportskeeda is a global sports content platform that covers the world's biggest sports and esports subjects and serves over 100 Million fans every month. Our passionate team comprises top journalists from around the world who produce hundreds of well-researched content pieces on a daily basis.
the following work techniques
Sports marketing
Game day experiences
Primary and secondary research
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Bridging the gap
The crowds at sports events are not just huge, they are also diverse. On one hand, they will have ardent followers of the game- these people would not miss it for anything! On the other hand, you would definitely find people with lukewarm to no interest in the sport at all and still turn up! What makes them pay to watch a sport they have no interest in? Is it enough for the organisers to focus just on sports fans to host a profitable event? Sports marketing comes to the rescue! Designing a game day experience that appeals to the masses and marketing is the key to organising a successful event. Are you up for the challenge?
the following skills
Customer Experience
Marketing insights
Marketing strategy
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
Expected output
In this menternship, you will create a game day experience for IPL and a marketing strategy to communicate it to the public.
the following deliverables
A game day design
A marketing strategy
Learn more about our Menternship Principle
What you’ll need before starting
Why Do Menternships?
Each Menternship experience is powered by the MentorMind experiential learning model. We empower you as a Mentern to produce your own unique real work output through mentoring, deep-learning & applying your learnings to work.
All our Menternships are co-created with companies. They are designed for real-time work in the corporate function which allows all levers of a work experience to flourish in your Menternship experience.
You get access to a guild of industry mentors with remarkably diverse experience in their fields. Mentors help you with expert advice, domain guidance or to understand a specific task better. Moreover, you can always depend on our community of menterns, MentorMind Garage, to seek assistance from your co-menterns, guides & mentors!
Successfully completing a Menternship is no less that having practical, hands-on work experience. You earn a Certificate of Recognition from the Menternship partner company which can be showcased on your CV or your LinkedIn as a proof of your real skills!
As a Certified Mentern you earn a spot in the exclusive Mentern Perks Club, a MentorMind community that opens up networking amongst menterns from across the globe. MentorMind empowers the community with our amazing Perks Club guides, Do-With-Us workshops & access to work opportunities with our Corporate Partners!
Meet Our Certified Menterns
Conduct market research to design a ground-breaking gameday experience for IPL fans
Do you think IPL is as attractive as a sporting event can get? We challenge you to top that and design an unprecedented game-day experience for IPL fans.
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